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  • Istituto DIRPOLIS

Ethical, legal, and economic issues in robotics: until May 16 application and enrollment for the first international summer school supported by the European Commission

Publication date: 06.05.2016
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The development and regulation of robotics lead to legal, ethical and economic implications that will be explored during the first international summer school on "The regulation of robotics in Europe: legal, ethical and economic implications" to be held in Italy and promoted by Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa, thanks to Jean Monnet Project, funded by the European Commission through the Erasmus + program. Registration will be open until May 16, 2016; 40 hours lessons are planned between 11 and 16 July 2016. Mady Delvaux Stehres, member of European Parliament, head of the committee that deals with the regulation and legislation of the robots and artificial intelligence systems, is announced to participate in the opening ceremony,

Andrea Bertolini, researcher in private law at Sant’Anna School, will coordinate the lessons plan and members of the Faculty of the School Institutes of BioRobotics, Dirpolis (Law, Politics and Development) and Management in addition to some of the best European experts will give lectures on the regulation of robotics. The goal of this summer school is to provide a broad perspective on the legal, ethical, economic issues in robotics, thanks to the interdisciplinary teaching group which combines the field of engineering, philosophy, law and economics.

 Many of the lecturers were involved in the European project "RoboLaw" coordinated by Erica Palmerini, professor of private law at Sant'Anna School. RoboLaw project first focused on the development of technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence, with particular attention to ethical and legal aspects. The guidelines on the regulation of robotics for the European Parliament and  the European Commission, which Andrea Bertolini recently presented before the European Parliament Committee on Legal Affairs, JURI, came as a result of  "RoboLaw" project .

 The summer school is aimed at undergraduate, masters or doctoral students, with social sciences background (lawyers, economists, philosophers and political scientists) or with engineering backgrounds. Lectures offer opportunity for enhancing the skills required for consultants working in robot manufacturers technology companies or to undertake research activity in university in the field of legal or technical sciences.

"We should consider addressing new regulation impact - Andrea Bertolini says – on the development and market distribution of so-called robotic products, the most relevant related ethical issues, management problems and challenges arising from technological innovation faced by companies”.

Apply Online here.